Kafka vs RabbitMQ


  • supports :
    • AMQP : Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
    • MQTT : MQ Telemetry Protocol
    • STOMP : Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol
  • is known as a hybrid broker
  • uses smart broker/dumb consumer model


  • provides higher throughput, built-in partitioning, replication, and inherent fault-tolerance

There are 2 async messagin patterns :

  1. Message Queue

    • a creating app sends a msg to queue. When the consuming app is ready, it just connects to the queue and retrieves the msg, removing it from the queue.
    • several consuming apps can exist, each message is only consumed by one.
  2. Publish/Subscribe (pub/sub)

    • allows producers to publish msg’s which can be consumed by multiple consumer.
    • if consuming apps are interested, they just subscribe to a channel
    • used when a msg or event must trigger several actions
    • unlike the message queue, pub/sub assures that consuming apps rcv msg’s in the same order as messaging system received them.

RabbitMQ Architecture

  • consists of
    • producers
    • exchanges
    • queues
    • consumers
           msg              |---->
 producer -----> exchange --|----> consumers
                          or other 
  • queue is a sequential data structure:
    • producers add to the end
    • consumers get data from the top
    • FIFO
  • msg exchange determines routing
    • 4 exchange types:
      • direct
        • can directly target msg’s to a particular queue
          direct exchange
          direct exchange
      • fanout
        • route msg’s to all available queues
          fanout exchange
          fanout exchange
      • topic
      • header

Kafka Architecture

  • consists of
    • producers
    • consumers
    • clusters
    • brokers
    • topics
    • partitions
producer --------> cluster -------> consumer

kafka architecture

Use cases

  • Rabbit MQ
    • complex routing - route msg’s among miltiple consuming apps, such as in a microservice architecture
    • legacy applications

rabbit use cases

  • Kafka
    • high-troughput activity tracking
    • stream processing
    • event sourcing
    • log aggregation
      kafka use cases



Vahab Jabrayilov
Vahab Jabrayilov
CS PhD Student

My research interests include operating systems and cloud computing.